Where ever we had taken photos, we still have new photo ideas to frame you. We have many engagement ideas for our friends. 就算是耳熟能詳的地點-赤柱市政大廈,在有心思構想之下,總會帶來新的
Engagement photo ideas by – Leo
Venue – 赤柱市政大廈
Hong Kong Wedding Photography & Fine Art Portrait Photography :: 香港婚禮,婚紗攝影
Where ever we had taken photos, we still have new photo ideas to frame you. We have many engagement ideas for our friends. 就算是耳熟能詳的地點-赤柱市政大廈,在有心思構想之下,總會帶來新的
我們同準新人一齊放下刻板的做型,反而一齊構思另一種有趣的拍攝手法,大家好好從新享受拍攝的樂趣。而且今次我們名叫“Every kiss. Every smile. Keep them all”, 因為新的笑容是十分甜美。可想而知大家在一起是多麼快樂。We are looking for new and creative the Peak engagement photos.
Photography – Leo
Venue – The Peak 香港山頂